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"People will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit".

"The time will come, and it may not be far off, that people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople, the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.

The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity."

Source: Rudolf Steiner in 1917 – GA 177 – Fall of the Spirits of Darkness
Why a flue got blown out of proportion?
One needs to study the Rayspect vaccine information page and links down here.

"It has been clear to many people that all countries – and not only China – have access to the electronic means for total surveillance and will implement them if it seems necessary. One of those who helped to develop this technology in the USA was MIT Prof. Joseph Weizenbaum. In response to a question asked in an interview held during the Orwell year of 1984 about whether there would be a total surveillance state one day, he said: “Of course, that is being consistently worked towards. But when this state finally arrives, it will be more the result of people not defending their freedoms than that the computer is to blame”. He then gave the regimes of Hitler and Stalin as examples of how total surveillance can occur without computer technology and that a healthy future for humanity is dependent to a great extent on the development of morality and empathy for each other." Newsletter Alliance ELIANT 03.04.2020

Facebook post"I am ok with your choice to fear this covid-19 virus. I am ok with you having the choice to agree or disagree with my beliefs. I support you in your beliefs and where you are with your thoughts and feelings. I am here to peacefully share alternative perspectives and data that is getting less attention from the main stream media. I will respond in conversations, but I won't debate or argue my beliefs. If you comment on my posts, I ask that it is respectful." Via Kristelyn Bloom
In order to bring the global dependency on the PR machinery of the pharmaceutical investment business to an end, we encourage you to contact us and send us the names so-called ‘experts’ from your country who – willfully or negligently – are misleading the people by providing irresponsible disinformation about science-based natural health approaches. We will ensure that these ‘experts’ are listed on our website. Our website has a growing worldwide audience of citizens who are seeking the truth. Together we can stop the virus and end the global hysteria.If you would like to write to us, please feel free to do so. Our email address is:

It became very fast clear that all the news around this Covid 19 was pushed by the media,  health organizations and pseudo scientists as a contagious virus.
En mass people were being deceived and are still being deceived.
The research and the links that express this conclusion of hoax and fraud are moved up to the top here, further down it's kind of more and more how it came in and  it got added in a kind of time line. 

"Viruses are not living organisms floating around waiting to be breathed in by humans, viruses are not even living organisms. They don't move, reproduce or mutate. They are manufactured in the human body due to toxicity, to deal with toxicity.
It's the opposite of what we have been taught, everyone has the corona virus and every other virus and bacteria you can think of or catch because your body manufactures viruses and bacteria to deal with toxicity and dead and dying tissue, viruses don't cause disease, they are a consequence of the body dealing with the disease or the toxicity, non-living, material can never become living by any process, it cannot reproduce or mutate.
They have convinced us that white blood cells cause infections, white blood cells are always there when you are sick, but the truth is the toxicity causes the appearance of white blood cells. The body produced viruses and bacteria due to toxicity, in the case of viruses and dead and dying tissue in the case of bacteria, that's why viruses seem to reproduce, because the body is producing, and they appear to be living organisms, and also how they appear to mutate because of the body reproduces viruses to order. The human body is a sealed unit, and there is no direct root from the outside to the inside, we all have the viruses within us, and the only way we can catch a foreign virus, is if it's injected into us. The vaccines is that causes the sickness"
Corrine Rein

9 things you may not know about viruses but should...

1) Viruses are NOT a living thing

2) Viruses are created WITHIN a cell

3) Viruses are specific to the cells they are created in

4) For example, viral hepatitis is created in the liver cells and can only affect liver cells… you CANNOT have viral hepatitis anywhere other than the liver…. The flu virus is created in the lungs/sinuses and only affect the lungs/sinuses

5) Viruses are the body’s NATURAL response to cellular toxicity… Viruses are used to detoxify the body’s cells from toxins

6) Viruses DO NOT attack the cells, they breakdown the toxic residue within cells and this leads to the typical “viral” symptoms…

7) Viruses DO NOT live on surfaces outside the body (remember viruses are NOT living things)…

You CANNOT catch a virus as it is non-living and not infectious (see 1-7 if you don’t understand)

9) The appearance of viruses spreading is due to the environmental stimuli experienced by other people… just like women who spend a lot of time together often get their menstrual cycle at the same time, the same happens with our immune systems and that is why our bodies tend to detox (experience a virus) at the same time as others who we spend a lot of time with…

Current colloquial science would preach these are wrong but true science i.e scientific method not scientism says differently. Scope how immune health systems work.

Viruses dont kill people. Their own faulty working immune systems of their own bodies in over active response kill themselves.
Dr. Stefan Lanka, virologist and molecular biologist, is internationally mostly known as an "AIDS dissident" (and maybe "gentechnology dissident") who has been questioning the very existence of "HIV" since 1994. In the past years, however, he stumbled over a breathtaking fact: Not even ONE of the (medically relevant) viruses has ever been isolated; there is no proof of their existence.

Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., provides an in-depth analysis of the standard “Virus”-theory in the context of German New Medicine. You Tube  Part 1 + Part 2

The only way to get a virus is to be injected with it

Aajonus VonderplanitzNaming and categorizing them as viruses that attack us creates the monster that pharma/medicine needs for us to be in fear, seeking their weapons of mass destruction so we create war within our bodies so they can profit. The bodily war waged by medical practices only makes us sicker so they can profit more.
As was reported recently, 95% of all pharma/medical tests were proved to be purposefully falsified and wrong to gain profits and notoriety. Are we going to fight our conditioned, brainwashed illogic and trust in convoluted medical science and seek peace and health, or are we going to choose the opposite? What is your choice
Is there a virus? 06.04.2020 + You Tube banned interview by with London Real same day.
We need to understand that the test they use are made to find EXOSOME in someone's body. Exosomes are produce by cells when they are at a high level of toxicity. Exosome are fragmanted proteins excreted by the cells has a immune responds to detoxify damaged cells. Its totally a natural immune respond which happend when the cells are dealing with alot of toxicity, like Junk food, Alchool, Cigarets, Drugs, Medication, Fear, Trauma and STRESS. #obesity#diabetes etc... Radioactivity is one of the biggest stressor we are dealing right now in todays world. Has all the other pandemic, it was at the same time that the Gov/Millitary started to use new radiowave techonology worldwide. 5G is a HUGE stressor to the body, destroys the immune system, affect the oxygen and hydrogen in the body which is mostly H20 (70-80% of our body weight)... If you are already toxic, if you had 5G to the mix, you are in trouble and what are the symptoms of 5G? THE SAME AS THE IMMUNE RESPONSE IN THE MAKING OF EXOSOME#VIRUS. Again, what's a virus? A fragmented protein with RNA or DNA, SAME SHIT AS AN EXOSOME. A virus is made by the CELLS, as a natural immune response to toxicity. Not by REPRODUCTION because a virus is NOT a living entity.
Go see for yourself, what are Exomes exactly?(US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health)
Kate Shemirani Natural Nurse In a Toxic World YouTube, That Virus test! Hildreth not Hidreth, ABOUT THE PCR test, SEE ALSO TEST 1+2 further down.

Dr James Hildreth states exosome and virus is the same thing. 80% false positives with the test! Regardless of that flawed test, that will possibly get you removed to isolation/detention under the new laws being passed worldwide.
These tests do not detect the virus but actually detects your immune system’s response to exosomes. That’s why everyone has a possibility to be tested positive. This is grand scale manipulation.
In this Covid 19 webpage here at mentioned is the medicine used by the Chinese and  yes many alternatives how to deal with this flue. Many of them are in the links in this website which is all about health on all levels.

















"People claim to be so afraid of a virus that they need a mask and gloves on and then risk their lives to go in public only to buy GMO’s, junk food, alcohol, tobacco, fast food all while still wearing air pods.

People make choices everyday that bring them closer to death and they don’t bat an eye. The crappy foods, the booze, the sedentary lifestyle, the radiation in the ear and they couldn’t care less. But tell them a microscopic organism is out to get them and then they act like they care about their life".

Chris Kirckof

Some Key Facts About the Covid-19 ‘Pandemic

Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment..

Is COVID-19 Even Real?

This video presents strong evidence that COVID-19 is a fabrication, unsupported by science or medicine, and why. Partially based on an article in Global Research, 3/27/2020:
Bioweapons expert speaks out about novel corona virus.Wuhan 5G city and advanced bio lab facility.

Dr. Rashid Buttar: "It was discussed in 2015 that this should not be done!"
"The Virus Is Not a Naturally-Occuring Phenomenon"
Covid 19 was patented long before, here witness the proof in a short version!
The full version part 3 video is going to dispel the myths and expose the truth about the science behind COVID-19 based on the published data. Part 3 covers the real history of COVID-19 and what you probably never knew. Number 5 is only availble for private viewing
Covid-19 Virus Conspiracy? Scientific Corruption: Part 3 - Dr. Rashid A. Buttar
If You Think You Can Handle The Truth, Here It Is! (2020) Dr. Rashid A. Buttar
China and the west are in bed together over this because Chinese authoritarianism is the model the west wants to initiate on us. The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. Not coronavirus!
Part 2 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! 17.04.2020| Dr Rashid A Buttar
You can find his videos on his private site or look for mirror versions on the net.
Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses.  21.04.2020
Medical doctor exposes fraud inside WHO, CDC and led by Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. You Tube video shot at the Health And Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona on March 12, 2020. Camera, sound and editing by Joshua Coleman.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt Corona virus lecture, slides are here

Dr Klinghardt's latest discoveries on COVID-19
Mar 19, 2020.

Corona Virus + Corona Virus Continued + discusses the Coronavirus.
Dr. Robert Morse.
VIRUSES ARE NOT ALIVE. What the biochemistry books will not explain is that viruses are protein-constructs that disassemble and/or dissolve organic and inorganic structures and particles. Virus well explained. Remedies suggested here are a disaster.

Andrew Kaufmann M.D. Explains how viruses do not spread person to person. 
How deadly is the corona virus?
Dr. Bobby Price wrote, Vegucation Over Medication: The Myths, Lies, And Truths About Modern Foods And Medicines
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.
Bill Gates finances WHO, Bloomberg and John Hopkins Center.
Gates is pro vaccines GMO etc. Everything that happened seems to be planned here.
Bill Gates is an enemy of the human species and a good example how the one percent abuse their power.
High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for COVID-19

Klinghardt Corona Virus 2nd Q&A 25th March

Dr Klinghardt and Daniela Deiosso answer many of the questions raised following their 20th March presentation 'Dr Klinghardt's latest discoveries on COVID-19
The Chinese already found a cure in say 2 weeks and found out the essentials of this new Corona flue virus. The 3 medicines that they found work, are kept hidden by the EU and USA... He also mentioned IV vitamin C and certain herbs and homeopathy. 5G radiation as part cause to be considered.
RichieFromBoston  PANDEMIC FACTS PT 1, 2 , 3


Can You Catch A Virus? Coronavirus Questions?
Tom Barnett on this YouTube explains is very clear and to the point that there no virus pandemic.

Covid-19 Virus Conspiracy? 5G, Immunity and Corona Virus: YouTube Part 4 - Dr. Rashid A. Buttar

Virology Lectures 2020 #1: What is a Virus? Vincent Racaniello explains everything about viruses
In this first lecture of my 2020 Columbia University virology course, we define viruses, discuss their discovery and fundamental properties, including whether or not they are alive, and explain why they are the most awesome biological entities on Earth.
(He is not right about that herpes is forever, Dr. Robert Morse has the answers to that).

"Science is trying to push that this virus is now natural and that it’s a part of nature. If I get a whiff of this bullshit in my space I’m going to loose it. A virus cannot survive on its own it needs protein to feed on. In order for something to evolve and be a part of nature it would have to be a living organism to evolve and this virus does not have its own life source so it does not make it a living organism. Please do not believe that this virus is a part of nature. Nature would never do this to us. Even be venom is curing cancer… This virus is a hoax. It’s killing innocent people to create population control." from facebook

The Differences Between the Germ Theory, the Terrain Theory
and the Germ Terrrain Duality Theory PDF by Mister Seun Ayoade, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.A Few More Differences between the Theories.

The Real Science of Germs: Do Viruses Cause Disease?

Dawn Lester and David Parker interviewed by Dr. Andrew Kaufmann
(What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Paperback – December 24, 2019 by Dawn Lester and David Parker)
M.D. Dr. Andrew Kaufman Explains How Viruses Do Not Spread Person To Person - Corona Theatre

"Viral Facts:
Viruses cannot enter through the skin or eyes. Such vectors do not work because the mucus membranes and the immune system discard small amounts of foreign proteins such as viruses. Viruses cannot enter through wounds because we bleed outwardly, not inwardly.

Viruses do not 'exist' outside of petri-dish solutions or a living body. Viruses cannot function without a host cell that manufactures them and encodes them, and viruses cannot replicate without a host cell. Viruses do not 'infect' or 'invade' cells. They are not alive to do so in the first place.

Viruses almost never dissolve living tissue, unless in specific circumstances such as polio and degenerative nervous system diseases where metal toxicity is present. Viruses' primary function is to dissolve dead matter. Cells produce different viral strains depending on the condition of the tissue involved. There are 320,000 viral strains inherent to the human body, and each cell contains the viral protein makeup to manufacture each strain when the body calls for it.

Viruses are sequenced/encoded by blood cells via RNA/DNA to break down specific dead and dying tissue and waste. Viruses are very specific protein structures. Coughing, sneezing, and spitting is not a vector for the transmission of viruses. Saliva and mucus membranes break down any such particles. Skin is not a vector either because viruses cannot cross dead skin layers. The only way to get a virus outside of natural means is via direct injection (vaccine) or blood transfusions of a patient who has a virus. However, in such cases, the body only analyzes it as foreign tissue that must be eliminated. Since the virus did not originate within the bodily host, that body does not know the time and place that the virus will be active nor does it have the key to decode it (RNA or DNA encoded by the cell) and cannot find the time of its activity. As such, it is analyzed as a foreign substance that must be eliminated. Protein solvents (viruses) are manufactured of varying strengths to discard this waste if living microbes cannot eliminate it.

Viruses are a result of internal toxicity caused by the environment. Viruses are cyclical in animals. Viruses feed upon waste products in the blood and tissue. Throughout the year, upon season and climatic/temperature changes, the body will dump mass amounts of toxins into the blood for removal. Some of these toxins are so toxic in nature, such as mercury, formaldehyde, and other chemical byproducts, that living microbes cannot feed upon and eliminate them without dying. Non-living proteins are then manufactured by each cell in the corresponding location of the body where this cleansing is necessary. Those toxic substances are disassembled and broken down by viruses so that the body can eliminate them, restoring homeostasis.

The only way viruses can be used as biological weapons is via injection, period. It is possible that such manmade viral strains are included in regular existing vaccines, and this should not be ruled out as a possibility, but as previously stated, viral strains from outside the body are not recognized. However, manmade substances that are injected can be designed to provoke extreme reactions in humans via various levels of tissue sterilization and adjuvants.

Viruses cannot cross-species ie; from animal to mankind. It is impossible for humans to develop animal flus—A. Because viruses are not contagious, and, B. Because animal RNA/DNA is not compatible with human RNA/DNA. The only way animal tissue can be observed in the blood is through injection of animal tissues, which make their way to the blood, bypassing the digestive tract. Only then will swine tissue, or bird tissue, or any such animal tissue appear in the body. When animal meat is consumed by a human, it is converted into human tissue. Human cells cannot produce animal cells or viruses.

If we develop viruses, they are human viruses. Even if animal viruses 'hijacked' human cells, human cells cannot possibly produce animal viruses. Here I will show the important differences between what is now highly adopted in mainstream science, known as the 'Germ Theory', and Antoine Béchamp's 'Terrain Theory': (see image in original article) Table chart by Mister Seun Ayoade. The Differences Between Germ Theory & Terrain Theory, JOJ Nurse Health Care. 2017; 4(2): 555631.

Coronavirus is a respiratory virus manufactured by cells in the lungs and respiratory areas to cleanse themselves of systemic toxicity. Such a cold virus occurs and functions in the following way: - Coronavirus MERS-CoV (2019-nCoV) is a type of acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) with mild to flu-like symptoms. SARS is caused by man-made environmental toxicity. Chemically toxic substances from the air are breathed into the lungs and respiratory system>Toxic particles land onto the surface of the lungs and the fluid-filled sacs in the lungs (alveoli) where they cannot be dislodged or dissolved by living microbes...." found on facebook

The following is from a medical forum. The writer prefers to stay anonymous, because presenting any narrative different than the official one can cause you a lot of stress in the toxic environment caused by the scam which surrounds COVID-19 these days.

I work in the healthcare field. Here's the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments.
This is why you're hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That's because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.
The ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not the PCR that is currently being used or Serology /antibody tests which do not detect virus as such). PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.
The problem is the test is known not to work.
It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery.
Additionally, it’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.
The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.
And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.
If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if a osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.
If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.
And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.
Do you see where this is going yet? If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus.
They are incredibly common and there’s tons of them. A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive PCR test for covi even if you’re doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common.
There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia victims in hospitals throughout the world at any one time.
All you need to do is select the sickest of these in a single location – say Wuhan – administer PCR tests to them and claim anyone showing viral sequences similar to a coronavirus (which will inevitably be quite a few) is suffering from a ‘new’ disease.
Since you already selected the sickest flu cases a fairly high proportion of your sample will go on to die.
You can then say this ‘new’ virus has a CFR higher than the flu and use this to infuse more concern and do more tests which will of course produce more ‘cases’, which expands the testing, which produces yet more ‘cases’ and so on and so on.
Before long you have your ‘pandemic’, and all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn’t actually exist.
Now just run the same scam in other countries. Making sure to keep the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky.....

Kary Mullis was the 1983 Nobel peace prize winner that invented the PCR test that they use to test for corona virus. He has stated many times this technology is not adequate or reliable for testing for a virus. Wake up. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in Science for inventing Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) says it is ridiculous to use it to try to measure 'HIV' – indeed, the fact that you have to use PCR at all merely shows that there cannot be any virus there at all. Yet people still naively believe that the so-called 'viral load' tests actually count whole 'viruses' in the blood but this is not true, and these 'tests' have been denounced by Mullis, who invented the technology on which they are based. And according to Mullis: "Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron."
Hydroxychloroquine kills parasitic worms, not viruses....are you Beginning to see with your eyes and hear with your ears?
Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Patients Infected with 2019-New Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): A Review and Perspective
TCM has accumulated thousand-of-year's experiences in the treatment of pandemic and endemic diseases. Providing complementary and alternative treatments are still urgently needed for the management of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, experiences in TCM is certainly worth learning.

Tom Barnett the real #coronavirus truth
Tom Barnett this guy tells the truth about this virus with great humor and intelligence.
He doesn't look away at all. He knows what he talks about. 
The government doesn't have our best interests at all.

Nurse teaches YouTube Dummies 101 ~ Virus and Germs Aren't Contagious Stupid!

It's the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the Hospital

Biggest Deception On The Whole World End Game Plan
Ex Vodafone manager explains the effect of 5G and what is really going on according to him.
Interesting video, only the jeez trip in the end is a bit off, otherwise 5 stars.
CoronaVirus PEMF
These PEMF protocols have been developed to destroy the coronavirus directly. We know the resonance frequency of the virus RNA and calculated the exact frequencies to kill it. Even Mutations have been calculated. Please use this IC at least once a day. Plus drink 1 liter of my "CoronaVirus" IC Compex daily. By doing this we reach a multi-hit. We avoid melting of the virus with the host cell, we stop virus reproduction and we destroy the virus RNA directly. Plus we modulate the Immune Function of the host.

A recent Chinese investigation suggests COVID-19 is highly sensitive to high temperatures and spreads faster in colder climates; its most rapid spread is occurring at a temperature of 8.72 degrees Celsius (47.7 degrees Fahrenheit).

Joe imbriano PO BOX 4121 FULLERTON CA 92834
More then interesting analysis of this fake virus crisis cover up for 5G implementation.
Update 03-04-2020


FAKE Pandemic, FAKE Deaths, FAKE Doctors...All a simulation feat. Amazing Polly

Growing awareness that it's all faked end of march start april 2020
More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won't!
Idiotic Worldometer is run by an international team of developers, researchers, and volunteers with the goal of making world statistics available in a thought-provoking and time relevant format to a wide audience around the world. It is published by a small and independent digital media company based in the United States.
Rationale for Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 and Other Viruses Some solutions that are going on, but kept out of mainstream media!
Sulforaphane as a Treatment for COVID-19?
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition triggered by a systemic infection that causes your body to overreact and launch an excessive and highly damaging immune response
As the anomalous deaths of people in Wuhan and Italy can attest, society, the telecom industry, and government are long past due to study the health effects of 5G, especially at the “unlicensed” 60GHz frequency.

I am a physician who has been working at the bedside of COVID+ patients in NYC. I believe we are treating the wrong disease and that we must change what we are doing if we want to save as many lives as possible. I welcome any feedback, especially from those bedside: doctors, nurses, xray techs, pharmacists, anyone and everyone. Does this sound wrong or right, is something more right? Please let me know.

Judy Mikovits has explained this much better!

In a word: Sweden. What happens if they pull this off? What happens if it turns out that we could have coped with COVID-19 without collapsing entire sectors of the economy putting millions on the dole, and imposing some of the most draconian restrictions on civil liberties in living memory?

In response to the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemics, Source Medicine has developed a new research resonance to support people who are exposed to the virus. The audio version of the Resonance is now available via our website by donation (or for free in cases of need).

Source Resonances are an innovative technology that supports wellbeing through natural methods, delivered by listening to an audio recording of sea waves breaking on the seashore.Source Medicine creates, supplies and researches the use of Source Resonances to support wellbeing and the evolution of consciousness worldwide. We are a not-for-profit organisation that, together with the Amma Resonance Healing Foundation, have a twenty-year track record of supporting people with epidemic diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS in Africa and elsewhere, using both audio and pill Source Resonances.

Are glyphosate and COVID-19 connected? Glyphosate, one of the most toxic chemicals in the world, may be the key to why some people get severely ill from COVID-19.
MIT senior research scientist Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.reports.


We first wrote about MIT Biologist Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai almost a month after he said “fear mongering on corona virus will go down as biggest fraud to manipulate economies.”

"What's next in the governmental police state operations? In the Philippines the order has been given to shoot to kill for people who have gone out to protest against Corona restrictions. What's next, cashless Society, chip implanted, vaccines administered, six months in jail for meeting with your friends? The test for covid-19 is totally inconclusive, testing for antibodies that a sick normal person would actually have with the flu or cold symptoms.

The actual numbers don't add up. Where is the outrage when 50000 people die a day of cardiovascular disease mostly caused by (bad dietary choices). Where is the outrage when 25000 people die a day of (lymphatic system Overload) Cancer-related radiation therapy deaths? Where is all the government control when 10000 people die a day of respiratory diseases, mostly caused by (mucus forming factors) like smoking or bad working conditions? But when 500 people die a day of covid-19 the whole world is fully shutdown.

This fear 😱 is mostly driven by an fundamental Christian end time Judgment of God feeling among western society. Even now praying 🙏 worshipping together is forbidden and against the law. Orwellian total control scenario has come. It doesn't take a prophet to see where this is leading. In two weeks when the supply chain is broken, riots and Revolution will hit the streets, as storehouses and warehouses are plundered creating mass confusion and total collapse of society as we know it today. You can't even greet your neighbor without the fear of somebody reporting you to the police over your shoulder.

The corona virus test is designed to make all show positive. It is merely looking for something that already exists inside all of us. Flu, fever, cold, all of it is just the body trying to ridd itself of toxins. It is NOT something you catch out of nowhere. Quite honestly me and most of the people that I know in the fruitarian scene haven't been sick in many years. Why isn't that in the statistic? Because sickness and disease is not something that comes from without, but comes from within, as the body tries to heal itself from bad dietary choices.

1.25 million people are killed in car accidents each year. That means, on average, auto accidents cause 3,287 deaths per day. An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled. More than half of all ​road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44. Do you stop driving on the road because of the would be, could be Danger of what might happen, could happen? Many governments around the world are totally over reaching their power and will become totalitarian States shortly".

Harmon Locke April 5 at 10:17 AM

”You can see Bechamp’s cellular theory when a group of people go hiking in the woods. It often seems that the mosquitoes attack only one or two people out of the group. And as it turns out, it’s always the same person that always gets attacked by the mosquitoes. This person is usually the one who always catches the latest flu and has the weakest immune system. This is because these germs (including insects) are opportunistic in nature and only attack the weak.

To treat illness, Bechamp’s cellular theory also applied. Bechamp was less concerned with killing the infection and focused more on restoring the health of the patient’s body through healthy lifestyle choices. Bechamp saw the infection as a footnote to the state of illness and not the primary cause. As the person restored health through diet, hygiene, and detoxification the infection went away on its own–without needing measures to kill it.”

Testing 2

"The following is from a medical forum. The writer prefers to stay anonymous, because presenting any narrative different than the official one can cause you a lot of stress in the toxic environment caused by the scam which surrounds COVID-19 these days.

I work in the healthcare field. Here's the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments.
This is why you're hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That's because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.
The ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not the PCR that is currently being used or Serology /antibody tests which do not detect virus as such). PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.
The problem is the test is known not to work.
It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery.
Additionally, it’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.
The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.
And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.
If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if a osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.
If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.
And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.
Do you see where this is going yet? If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus.
They are incredibly common and there’s tons of them. A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive PCR test for covi even if you’re doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common.
There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia victims in hospitals throughout the world at any one time.
All you need to do is select the sickest of these in a single location – say Wuhan – administer PCR tests to them and claim anyone showing viral sequences similar to a coronavirus (which will inevitably be quite a few) is suffering from a ‘new’ disease.
Since you already selected the sickest flu cases a fairly high proportion of your sample will go on to die.
You can then say this ‘new’ virus has a CFR higher than the flu and use this to infuse more concern and do more tests which will of course produce more ‘cases’, which expands the testing, which produces yet more ‘cases’ and so on and so on.
Before long you have your ‘pandemic’, and all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn’t actually exist.
Now just run the same scam in other countries. Making sure to keep the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically.
Your only problem is going to be that – due to the fact there is no actual new deadly pathogen but just regular sick people, you are mislabeling your case numbers, and especially your deaths, are going to be way too low for a real new deadly virus pandemic.

But you can stop people pointing this out in several ways.
1. You can claim this is just the beginning and more deaths are imminent. Use this as an excuse to quarantine everyone and then claim the quarantine prevented the expected millions of dead.
2. You can tell people that ‘minimizing’ the dangers is irresponsible and bully them into not talking about numbers.
3. You can talk crap about made up numbers hoping to blind people with pseudoscience.
4. You can start testing well people (who, of course, will also likely have shreds of coronavirus DNA in them) and thus inflate your ‘case figures’ with ‘asymptomatic carriers’ (you will of course have to spin that to sound deadly even though any virologist knows the more symptom-less cases you have the less deadly is your pathogen.
Take these 4 simple steps and you can have your own entirely manufactured pandemic up and running in weeks.
They can not "confirm" something for which there is no accurate test."

Laboratories and diagnostic companies are racing to produce antibody tests, a key part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What’s especially horrifying about the critical care of coronavirus patients is that they aren’t suffering from “viral pneumonia,” but rather from an inability to absorb or carry oxygen in the blood.

The TRUTH about this madness
Dr. Bruce Lipton YouTube "They want to say that is something other than what it is"

London Real Interview 08.04.2020
A great response to the previous link! if this turns out to be the case, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy might save lives (we have far fewer hyperbaric chambers in the US than ICU beds), a mountain climber suggested portable hyperbaric bags which are pretty cheap (in comparison) and can fit through hospital doors could do the trick.

US Doctor: How can you make a vaccine for something never proven to exist?
A must-watch
A New York doctor treating Covid-19 patients drops bombshell observations. A top bio statistician has a message for Donald Trump and fake coronavirus news exposed:
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci Exposes Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates, And The W.H.O = Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

A Breakdown on Current Testing Procedures CoVid-19.
M.D Andrew Kaufmann expands on what covid 19 really is.
China Military Scientist, Chen Hu, Speaks of Gene Editing a Virus as Deadly as an Atomic Bomb, 2018
"If we use gene editing and transform these bacteria and viruses, then we will be able to produce a more widespread and lethal super virus," China's former military scientist Chen Hu said in 2018. The old video has recently sparked heated discussions online.

New CRISPR Gene Editing technology that can be used as a way to spread a virus, this is unknown to most people!
A gene drive is a genetic engineering technology that propagates a particular suite of genes throughout a population by altering the probability that a specific allele will be transmitted to offspring from the natural 50% probability. Gene drives can arise through a variety of mechanisms. They have been proposed to provide an effective means of genetically modifying specific populations and entire species. The technique can employ adding, deleting, disrupting, or modifying genes.

What are genome editing and CRISPR-Cas9?

Genome editing (also called gene editing) is a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism's DNA.
Can You Trust the WHO With COVID-19 Pandemic Response?

Emergency room personnel have suddenly shut down comments on what’s going on within hospital walls, but one brave nurse is breaking the silence.
Source: Dana Ashlie YouTube April 9, 2020

New revised update on the  truth about vaccines from the Truth about cancer team. Want to Defeat Coronavirus? Address Diabetes and Hypertension.

In Italy, more than 99% of fatalities from COVID-19 occurred among people who had underlying medical conditions.

While unproven, one current theory is that electromagnetic field radiation — and the addition of 5G in particular — could be having an impact on the COVID-19 pandemic.

"It Will End Very Quickly", cell biology expert shares his discovery.

Another Bruce Lipton video, "Pandemic Will No Longer Exist"

Did This Scientist Develop a Cure for COVID-19?

A biotech company called Distributed Bio claims to have developed an antibody therapy against COVID-19.

Government Is Reading Your Messages About Coronavirus.

The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus.  COVID19 documentary Wayne Dupree

Dr. Judy Mikovits (American Researcher) on Coronavirus.
Best real news about the truth what goes on. 15.04.2020
The Klinghardt Institute YouTube channel april 16 has the information for free!
In tonights presentation I will take you in great detail to the 3 major treatment phases and requirements for those of us affected by - or infected with - the "new" Corona virus.
Suspicious activity: Bill Gates reveals a plan to issue “Certificates” for COVID patients.

Patent here.
Coronavirus patented by Gates  Pirbright institute on 2015
By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense
April 17.2020

Round Table - Dr Buttar, Dr Mikovits, Ryan - Last American Vagabond
A Special Time-Sensitive Message from Nia Peeples, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton and Dr. Rashid A. Buttar.
Part 1 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid A Buttar|, April 16.2020
The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.
According to systems biologist Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D., the COVID-19 pandemic is being used to shift global wealth.
US and China Collaborated to Make a Deadly Coronavirus
US and Chinese researchers, funded by the United States and Chinese governments, teamed up to create a deadly new coronavirus that is extremely similar in its effects to the coronavirus that is causing the current pandemic. The research is described in detail in a December 2015 scientific article published in prestigious Nature Medicine. The article and PDFs of its entire bibliography can be found on, along with a blog by Dr. Breggin about the implications
Shocking coronavirus UPDATE: U.S. government funded virus research inside China with a $3.7 million grant
Stephanie Seneff: Blaming glyphosate in biofuels and e-cigs for COVID-19.
‘Closing borders is ridiculous’: the epidemiologist behind Sweden’s controversial coronavirus strategy. article 21.04.2020

White House Press Corps Caught on Hot Mic Take Off the Masks It's not what it seems!! 
Looking back these Chinese newspapers are in the pockets of whom?
Coronavirus scare - the hoax of the century?
Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA Coronavirus – Why and How the Government and the Media Are Wrong
Dr. Bhattacharya also gives some (unsolicited) advice to Dr. Anthony Fauci...

EXCLUSIVE! Ontario nurse SPEAKS OUT: No coronavirus emergency in Ontario hospitals
In this exclusive interview, an Ontario nurse speaks with Rebel News about what hospitals are really like during the coronavirus lockdown, and offers a front line medical perspective on illness, comorbidities, the seasonal flu and death.

Documentary: Tracking Down the Origin of COVID-19
  • A documentary from The Epoch Times, "Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Virus," unearths facts that mainstream media has largely ignored

  • Scientific journals have questioned whether the Wuhan Seafood Market was the source of COVID-19

  • Shi Zhengli, a Chinese virologist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, created synthetic viruses in the laboratory that were more infective

  • Viral experts, including those appearing in the documentary, question the safety and purpose of the synthetic viruses

  • From whistleblowers who were silenced to academic papers that disappeared, the Chinese government has censored much information about COVID-19
Did U.S. and Chinese researchers collaborate to create a coronavirus that can infect humans? Shocking 2015 Scientific Paper says “YES”  22.04.2020
Imagine if we had used even a fraction of the resources spent to lock down the entire population and focused on providing assistance and protection to the most vulnerable – the elderly and those with serious medical conditions," he wrote.
SARS-CoV-2 — A Biological Warfare Weapon? In our first, March 8, 2020, interview, Boyle shared his views on the origins of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Here, we continue our discussion, as more details have emerged about this virus. One of the criticisms raised since our last interview is that Boyle has no formal training in virology. When asked what makes him qualified to speak about this particular virus, he says: NewsGuard Thought Police Deny SARS-CoV-2 Leaked From Lab.
Food distribution may change considerably after Pandemic.

Sunday Service - 4/19/2020, Northlake Baptist Church, Rev. Danny Jones
Listen from about 30 min on.
Bombshell: The truth about Dr. Anthony Fauci, exposed by Judy Mikovits
Dr. Sin Hang Lee is a pathologist and research scientist based in Connecticut who has been producing molecular tests for diseases and conditions for many years, including Lyme disease and human papilloma virus (HPV) infection. Dr. Lee trained and taught in some of the world’s most prestigious institutions and has published scores of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Our CLIA-approved tests (Dr. Sin Hang Lee ) are unique in that all positive or genotyping reports contain a diagnostic Sanger sequencing electropherogram as objective physical evidence for molecular validation, like the EKG in a cardiologist’s consultation report. Sanger sequencing is the gold standard for all nucleic acid tests. For example, the FDA advises the medical device manufacturers of human papillomavirus test kits as follows: way to do this is to perform an FDA-approved HPV test that detects the same genotypes as your test, or you may perform PCR followed by sequencing of the amplicon (PCR/Sequencing) on your clinical specimens and compare these results to the results of your device.” 
Protected Group Immunity, Not a Vaccine, is the Way to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic
We clearly need better preventive and treatment measures to deal with the disturbingly increasing trend of epidemics. Ideally good preventive and treatment measures for new epidemics should have the following characteristics:
  1. Nonpathogen specific and universal: treatments that can lower the risk of infection from a virus or other pathogens, or can reduce the severity of the infection. This characteristic would allow us to prevent and treat any epidemic when it occurs, without any unnecessary delay.

  2. Effective and safe.

  3. Readily available: when an epidemic breaks out, we need to have it available right away to stop an epidemic.

  4. Affordable: this is yet another key characteristic for large scale application to stop an ongoing epidemic.

For new epidemics, vaccines clearly don't meet the above criteria.
With vaccines against Covid-19 not anywhere near, the only other hope to stop the Covid-19 pandemic seems to be group immunity: when enough members of a population develop immunity.

Yet to leave the public without any protection from the risk of a SARS-Cov-2 infection seems cruel, unethical and may even cause a public outcry. However, sufficient doses of....etc

Mikovits is also highly critical of the recommendation (and in some places mandate) to wear a face mask or fabric cover such as a bandana around your face. She believes:

“Wearing a mask is going to cause more secretions and give more cells a home and amplify any viruses. [Wearing a mask is] immune suppressive; it's going to limit your body’s ability to produce Type 1 interferon.

You're driving the infection in yourself and you're not preventing the spread. [Instead], you're amplifying [replication of] not just [SARS-CoV-2] but also many other [viruses], including your XMRVs, influenza or other dormant viruses.

What keeps those dormant viruses dormant? Your natural killer (NK) cells, your mast cells, your macrophages. That's where you're getting the inflammatory signature.

So, every virus you amplify is driving the inflammatory signature, and you're going to get sick. [The resulting illness] doesn't have to be SARS-CoV-2 at all. You’re making yourself sick [by bringing dormant viruses out of dormancy]. It's insanity.”

Wearing a face mask after getting a live flu vaccine may further worsen your odds, she says. Why? Because you’re injecting three or more live flu virus strains into your body, which lowers your immune function. You’re also going to shed the viruses contained in the vaccine. If you wear a mask, Mikovits says, you’ll shed those viruses into the mask, which could encourage illness.

On the other hand, not wearing one might jeopardize the health of others. “If you're shedding [the viruses] into the air, you're going to make somebody else get another upper respiratory infection that's going to allow [SARS-CoV-2] to make them sicker,” she warns. Mercola interview.
While vaccines may temporarily suppress the expression of an infection, there is a price to be paid for this short term effect. Examples of this are strain mutation and evolution leading to infections that are not covered by the vaccine (pertussis, pneumococcus, human papilloma viruses); “silent” infections that do not manifest symptoms but can be spread in infective form to others (pertussis); and the “shedding” of infectious viruses that can occur after administration of live virus vaccines (measles, oral polio, influenza). 
This fact cannot be overstated: vaccination was a failed and harmful technology from the beginning and remains a failed and harmful technology today. An important step in avoiding the fear and panic surrounding COVID-19 is to know that a vaccine will never be the solution and that you should never willingly take a coronavirus vaccine (or any other vaccine for that matter).
The Dr. Erickson Covid-19 briefing

Two Bakersfield doctors say their data shows shelter-in-place orders are no longer needed

After reaching five million views, YouTube took it down on the grounds that it “violated community standards.”

Journey Pictures followed up with the doctors to determine what was so dangerous about their message.
Obesity: the “Achilles heel” for COVID-19?

An Exciting Medical Doctor's Report [April 26, 2020]
Gabriell Cousens 7 min YouTube update.
Could Retroviruses Play a Role in COVID-19?

  • Cellular and molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. believes COVID-19 — the disease — is not caused by SARS-CoV-2 alone, but rather that it’s the result of a combination of SARS-CoV-2 and XMRVs (human gammaretroviruses)

  • SARS-CoV-2 also appears to have been manipulated to include components of HIV that destroys immune function along with XMRVs

  • Those already infected with XMRVs may end up getting serious COVID-19 infection and/or die from the disease. Mikovits’s research suggests more than 30 million Americans carry XMRVs and other gammaretroviruses in their bodies from contaminated vaccines and blood supply

  • Mikovits believes 40 years of data suggest Type 1 interferon at very low dose would be an ideal treatment for COVID-19

  • RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) testing, currently used to diagnose active infection by detecting the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material, overestimates infection rates. For an accurate account of COVID-19 prevalence, we need to test for antibodies, Rather than using PCR testing, “what should have been done is test for antibodies,” Mikovits says. This is what was done in South Korea. An antibody test will tell you whether you had the infection at some point, and have developed a strong immune response or immunological memory that will allow you to fight the infection should you encounter it again.

One of the most shocking revelations Mikovits reveals is that she doesn’t believe SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of COVID-19 but merely serves to activate or wake up a dormant XMRV infection. To support her assertion, she states that COVID-19 patients have the same cytokine signature as the gammaretrovirus XMRV, which she published many years ago.“This book is my best attempt to tell the truth about my research, the culture in science today which is hostile to new ideas, and what science can really do if allowed to pursue promising areas of inquiries.”—Dr. Judy A. Mikovits, PhD

French virologist & Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has claimed that Coronavirus originated in a lab. Montagnier's research was based on the fact that COVID-19's genome has elements of HIV & Malaria germ.
Anatomy of COVID-19 by Dr. Andrew Kaufman March 3 2020
Evidence that Viruses Cause Disease or The Rooster in the River of Rats uses Kochs postulate to proof that covid 19 is not proven

Dr Scott Jensen With Laura Ingraham | The Ridiculous CDC Guidlines
Fox news: Minnesota State Senator and family physician Dr. Scott Jensen reacts to CDC guidance on declaring CV-9Teen deaths. April 9 2020.  David Icke LondonRealn Interview banned and censored  Youtube Facebook Vimeo.

EXCLUSIVE: Drs. Buttar, Shiva & Mikovits BLAST Gates, Call to ARREST Fauci as Crisis CRUSHES Economy 30-04-2020
Trump is not who you think he is. This was a video from 2018!
The Fullerton Informer: Vital information about the assault on humanity and how Trump is playing us all right along with it.
CORONA PLANDEMIC (shortened version) WHO Hacked 50 years planning!
You may have heard in the media that a number of computer hackers (from the DarkHorse group) broke into the computers of the World Health Organization (WHO) in mid-March. What they discovered there, is shocking to the whole world. One of these hackers, called "Rooster" has made a video in which he explains in detail what is happening behind the scenes about the COVID-19 happening. In this video, he opens up some great details of the "Pandora's Box", the Master Plan that has been designed for over 50 years and is now coming into effect. This plan was prepared by Committee 300, which is a group of the 300 richest people around the world.
Stand For Freedom California. Mass protest organisation.

U.S. military documents show that, in 1992, the CDC’s current Director Robert Redfield and his then-assistant, Deborah Birx—both Army medical officers—knowingly falsified scientific data published in the New England Journal of Medicine fraudulently claiming that an HIV vaccine they helped develop was effective. They knew the vaccine was worthless. Redfield now runs the agency charged with mandating COVID vaccines. Birx, a life-long protégé to both Redfield and Anthony Fauci, served on the board of Bill Gates’ Global Fund. Redfield, Birx and Fauci lead the White House coronavirus task force.
We need look no further than the current coronavirus issue to understand how vested interests are set to profit by spinning the crisis a certain way and how questionable science is again being used to pursue policies that are essentially ‘unscientific’ – governments, the police and the corporate media have become the arbiters of ‘truth’.
It is not possible to identify how many people have died as a direct result of COVID19 either from the registration of deaths or the resultant statistics. This is not the fault of medical practitioners or statisticians. It is caused by a State response to a claimed pandemic which has rendered the most crucial processes, and the data gleaned from them, a statistical nonsense.
The Internet has become an Orwellian chorus of shrieking, sanctimonious voices bullying everyone into conformity with charts, graphs, and desperate guilt-trips, few of which have much connection to reality. Corporations and governments are censoring dissent. We’re approaching a level of manufactured mass hysteria and herd mentality that not even Goebbels could have imagined.
Ventilators May Increase Risk of Death From COVID-19
A Famine Will Follow With Coronavirus

COMING SUMMER 2020 Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we'll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment features renowned scientist, Judy Mikovits PHD.

In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?
YouTube CEO Vows to Censor Anyone Speaking Against WHO. Draconian censorship is in full swing again, this time around the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Just about anything that questions or contradicts the biased edicts of the World Health Organization is now being blocked, taken down or tagged as fake news on social media platforms.


WHO was created in 1948 by the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) – see The Lancet. It might be also noteworthy that about half of WHOs budget comes from private interest sources, mostly the pharma industry, but also others, like telecom giants.
Judge Rules It Is a Crime Not to Wear a Mask.

The pandemic was needed as a pretext to halt and collapse the world economy and the underlying social fabric.

There is no coincidence. There were a number of preparatory events, all pointing into the direction of a worldwide monumental historic disaster. It started at least 10 years ago – probably considerably earlier – with the infamous 2010 Rockefeller Report, which painted the first phase of a monstrous Plan, called the “Lock Step” scenario. Among the last preparatory moves for the “pandemic” was Event 201, held in NYC on 18 October 2019.The Lock Step scenario foresees a number of ghastly and disturbing events or components of The Plan to be implemented by the so called Agenda ID2020, a Bill Gates creation, fully integrated into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – target date for completion – 2030 (also called Agenda 2030, the hidden agenda unknown to most of the UN members), the same target date for completion of the Agenda ID02020.

Lockdown Protests - The Great Awakening WorldWide (Huge Compilation Mai 2020)

Remdesivir is NOT the COVID Silver Bullet
By taking Remdesivir and similar preparations over a longer period of time, as a patient you have only a modest chance of improvement – if any at all. On the other hand, the weakening of the immune system is a dangerous side effect which you should always expect. It is an effect predetermined by the mechanism of action of these drugs.
MUST SEE: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health
Corbett report Youtube pt.1
Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World
Corbett report part 2
Corbett report 3 Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
Meet Bill Gates Corbett report part 4
A coup d’état is considered successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days. The anti-human and thoroughly intolerable lock down mentality, imposed on us by officials at the WHO, NAIAD, Johns Hopkins and the IHME, is medicine at its worst.
W.H.O World Health Org Second Pandemic Exercise Planned by Sep 2020 ?
Syringes With RFID Microchip Tracking System by October 2020

Deep State, Bill Gates, Agenda 21 at Italian Chamber of Deputies. May 14th, 2Q2Q.
Charlene Bollinger Interview with (Part 1) Dr. Judy Mikovits (Part 2)
The Truth Behind the COVID-19 Curtain backed by Science & Biology 101
Join Charlene Bollinger as she interviews Dr. Zach Bush. Dr. Zach covers the truth behind the COVID-19 smoke screen and gives a compelling case backed by science and biology.
Doctor who predicted COVID-19 answers all Del Bigtree interviews Zach Bush
The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket
Amazing Polly: Fauci, Event201, Foundations ...and something called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. I expose the front organizations covering for the Global Health Mafia
German Medical Doctor Katrin Korb - Speech [ENG subtitles] (09-05-2020)
Dr. Jack” is a Phd virologist who examined the SARS and COVID-19 genetic sequence, and explained how there is no way they are naturally evolved viruses. By looking at their structure, he has explained how COVID-19 is definitely manipulated from a lab.
Fast-Tracked COVID-19 Vaccine — What Could Go Wrong?
Bill Gates Adds Pharma 'Fact' Checkers to Microsoft Products.
“We clearly need a vaccine that works in the upper age range because they’re most at risk,” Gates says. Because of this, he suggests the CV vaccine will need to be made more potent (“you have to amp it up”) in order to work for older people – as well as, we presume, all the younger healthy people who will be told to take it, too. And because of this increase in potency, Gates casually estimates that at least 700,000 people will “suffer” from side effects of whatever vaccine gets created.

Cellular and molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. believes COVID-19 — the disease — is not caused by SARS-CoV-2 alone, but rather that it’s the result of a combination of SARS-CoV-2 and XMRVs (human gammaretroviruses)

SARS-CoV-2 also appears to have been manipulated to include components of HIV that destroys immune function along with XMRVs

The manufactured anthrax crisis of 2001 initiated the PATRIOT Act, one of the most severe compromises of our personal freedoms up to that point. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic is being used to take away even more freedoms

There is no crisis (no epidemic of deaths or disabilities) from infectious diseases caused by lack of vaccinations … The elephant in the auditorium today is Pharma profits …

The pharmaceutical industry has undertaken a very ambitious campaign to legislate away vaccine exemptions in the United States and Canada. France, Italy and Germany have rescinded vaccine exemptions too, suggesting the campaign is worldwide …

It has been claimed that vaccines are, by nature, extremely safe. Yet vaccines are usually injected, bypassing all the body’s natural barriers. Even minute contamination or inadequate microbial inactivation can maim or kill … Vaccines have caused many autoimmune disorders, from Guillain-Barre syndrome to narcolepsy …

Despite Moderna’s cheery press release this week, the clinical trial results for its groundbreaking COVID vaccine could not be much worse. The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates, used an experimental mRNA technology that the two men hoped would allow rapid deployment to meet President Trump’s ambitious “warp speed” time line. Dr. Fauci was so confident of his shot’s safety that he waived ferret and primate studies (Moderna suspiciously reported no specific health data from its mouse studies). That appears to have been a mistake. COVID Symptoms of Power: Tech Billionaires Harvest Humanity.

Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt and other billionaires are cashing in big from the COVID-19 pandemic, in a variety of different ways! The Well-Known Hazards of Coronavirus Vaccines.
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, and other like-minded medical professionals, have launched Medical Professionals and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy. A new initiative to organise those who, based on years of experience and their own research, do not believe Covid19 is anything like the “threat” it is constantly presented as.

We're targeted for termination...
Conclusive Proof — Masks Do Not Inhibit Viral Spread
How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created
Man and microbe, from Polio to COVID19... a never more relevant forensic examination of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its consequences. What happens when an ancient wisdom – a mother’s intuition - is pitted against powerful interests in a race against time? JULY 2020 

5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells

In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells. Plandemic movie part 2

A little post on Facebook in the start of covid 19 how to boost the immune as key, it was made very fast. Later more got added and still gets updated almost daily.
One will observe that the cures are not applied by the fake doctors that serve big pharma and legally kill people.
Once you got the basic principles mentioned in this site, and apply them, you will have no more fear.

Boosting the immune system is key to your health and survival.
Here are just a very few instructions what you can do and take away the fear of this flue spread by the ignorant.
There is so much more that can be added, study the rest of this site. Be well.
Focus is on boosting the immune system is key!


Dr. Robert Morse knowledge is here to heal any disease with herbs, fruit, fasting.
Very simple, no limits. The cures are there.
A concise, condensed version of the information Dr Klinghardt has provided, in his previous Klinghardt Institute March presentations

Curing Viruses with Hydrogen Peroxide.
Can a simple therapy stop the pandemic?
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Five critical care physicians have formed the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC). The group has developed a highly effective treatment protocol known as MATH+. Of the more than 100 hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with the MATH+ protocol as of mid-April, only two died. The protocols call for the use of intravenous methylprednisolone, vitamin C and subcutaneous heparin within six hours of admission into the hospital, along with high-flow nasal oxygen. Optional additions include thiamine, zinc and vitamin D. COVID-19 kills by triggering hyperinflammation, hypercoagulation and hypoxia. The MATH+ protocol addresses these three core pathological processes.


COVID-19, How can I cure thee? Let me count the ways.

Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
General Approach to Treatment:Overall, in my opinion, the most effective herbal approach to SARS-CoV-2 would address three different situations: 1) reducing chance of infection; 2) treatment of active infections; 3) treating post-coronavirus syndrome. Here are my suggestions:
What have I learned in my years of medical practice as a regional HMO director, 25 years in the US Army Reserve Medical Corps, and as director of Prevention and Healing, Inc. in St. Louis? The asymmetric threats most often overlooked are parasites, fungal infections, and dental problems. Viruses are technically parasites, a gray area between living and nonliving: they cannot replicate on their own but do so in living cells. They have been evolving with us and some of them are encoded as a part of our genetic code from the point of evolution of biological life. They are unique and complex, composed of a protein coat surrounding RNA or DNA core genetic materials. They can stay dormant for many years or be active seasonally and are capable of growth and multiplication only in living cells as unwanted guests, just like parasites. Parasites have their own parasites, fungi, mycoplasma, bacteria, and many types of viruses. The slide below is part of my lecture explaining the evolution of life and parasites, coinfections and parasitic relationships from a universal, simplified perspective.

Current Affairs Solution! "ONE CUP ONE LIFE" from Keshe Foundation.
How to Fight Corona Virus
In this video I show you how to make One Cup One Life to protect yourself against Corona virus. This is a space technology developed by nuclear physicist Dr. Mehran Keshe to fight viruses far more dangerous than Corona. Viruses are energy packs and you can fight them with energy.How to fight Corona Virus. In this video I show you how to make One Cup One Life to protect yourself against Corona virus. This is a space technology developed by nuclear physicist Dr. Mehran Keshe to fight viruses far more dangerous than Corona. Viruses are energy packs and you can fight them with energy.
"Treatments' are futile so we must look to intent and emotion of the fields yes and is why it 'works'. Better this than all the drug bombardment for most people who are not into health. Viruses are energy packets and they claim they see the effects in matter but are not a 'living' entity. Blood the sewer system carries the emotion of man in physicality. I would use ozone and/or ocean water into the blood stream than anything else. GANS is even more simple as any 7-9 year old can set it up to collect it with the Cup of Man. PLAF..." Gino Facebook
Vitamin C Evidence for Treating Complications of COVID-19 and other Viral Infections
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Apr 23, 2020

Vitamin C and Coronavirus: Not a Vaccine; Just a Humble Cure

no grains, no meat, no milk products, no fish!!!
There’s anecdotal evidence to suggest that hydrogen peroxide can be an effective remedy for COVID-19. Hydrogen-peroxide-nebulizer-to-treat-covid-19.
Herbal Actions effecting the Respiratory system with herb examples.
Judy Mikovits believes 40 years of data suggest Type 1 interferon at very low dose would be an ideal treatment for COVID-19
Interferon: Potential COVID-19 Treatment
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione may be a useful adjunct in COVID-19 treatment due to the role they play in combating oxidative stress. NAC may also combat the abnormal blood clotting seen in many cases.
With oxygen (hypoxia) being such a problem for serious coronavirus infections you would think doctors would reach for sodium bicarbonate to increase oxygen delivery to the cells. But no, the obvious, simplest least expensive medicine in the world continues to be completely overlooked. If health officials and politicians were at all interested in reducing death rates, from all causes, including the coronavirus, they would embrace CO2 and bicarbonate as the potent, quick acting safe emergency room and ICU medicine it is.
Fighting the flu with ultraviolet light
YouTube, As the deadly flu season continues, a doctor is working on technology that uses ultraviolet light to kill the flu virus in the air. CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook explains why this technique is safer than using regular UV rays.
Iodine: the Forgotten Weapon Against Influenza Viruses.
This may be because the paradigm by which doctors are treating the disease is wrong. Simply put, hospitals around the country are operating from the assumption that COVID-19 infection causes respiratory failure in which a ventilator is needed to do the work that the patient’s muscles normally do. But there is an emerging theory that oxygen failure is the problem, that it is as if patients have been placed at high altitudes without being able to acclimate. If this is true, increasing pressure on the lungs to open them up actually hurts the patient even more. If the emerging theory is correct, it doesn’t mean ventilators wouldn’t be used. They are still useful
for standard pneumonia, which COVID-19 is not. 
A Review of Helpful Antiviral Strategies
In this interview, recorded April 7, 2020, Dr. Andrew Saul, editor-in-chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, brings us new updates and insights into the COVID-19 pandemic
Licorice Inhibits Replication of Coronavirus?
We will dedicate this space to providing you links to new and updated information on Covid-19, reporting on various methods of treatment and prevention, as well as other links to articles you might find relevant.
Hydroxychloroquine needs zinc to be effective against COVID-19 infection, doctor says.
Licorice Inhibits Replication of Coronavirus? 
Could Hydrogen Peroxide Treat Coronavirus?
How Molecular Hydrogen Can Help Against COVID-19  The Science Behind Molecular Hydrogen Tablets
Ozone therapy is commonly used for viral infections, bacterial infections, Lyme, cancer, autoimmune disease, and preventative care/general wellness.
It works by stimulating mild oxidative stress in the body, triggering the NRF-2 pathway. This is the same pathway that is activated during exercise and fasting. It stimulates the body into a health and optimization mode that helps to eradicate disease and improve bodily functions on a cellular level.
Our specialty is manufacturing, sales, and support of ozone generators, ozone machines for in-home ozone use and for use in professional settings.
The aim of Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homoeopathic Research Foundation (PBHRF) is to offer comprehensive healthcare using Homeopathic medicines as well as establishing it to its rightful position as the medicine of the masses. =  urine therapy
Hydrogen inhalation therapy, PEMF devices that put out the Schumann Waves and sodium bicarbonate (which increases oxygen and cell voltage) would be the main therapies I would focus on to mitigate the harmful effects of 5G.
Could bicarbonate of soda (a natural antacid) possibly play a role in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses?

The Fundamentals of Water Fasting with Loren Lockman
Vegetable and Fruit juice fasting
CORONAVIRUS LECTURE Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt…
Herbs and herbal Tinctures

SOMA Breath is a complete holistic system of Pranayama techniques.
Stig Severinsen The Breatheology Method, conscious breathing. free course to help people with PTSD.
Heightened oxygen levels hold a treasure trove of benefits. Take a cold shower every day.
Buy an enema or colema board and take colonics, so toxins can leave the body.

Support the the body in restoring health. The biology of belief!

Some people send me these 3 tips, I leave them up to you to try it out:

From a friend of mine, I saw the video! It works: "YouTube censored and removed the truth once more so l write quickly what was in the video! Hot steam inhalation into sinuses and lungs once every hour, red light or any kind of heat are as good if not better than a water spray bottle on face together with hairdryer on sinuses to produce heat. Heat destroys viruses! That's why our smart bodies produce a fever to kill it! Drink only hot herbal teas (don't burn yourself, obviously!) and add lemon when it has cooled down to body temperature and see my other posts or research further yourself what boosts immunity." Stay well!
“Corona virus before it reaches the lungs it remains in the throat for four days and at this time the person begins to cough and have throat pains. If he drinks water a lot and gargling with warm water & salt or vinegar eliminates the virus. Spread this information because you can save someone with this information.”

"In 1918-19, spanish flu killed 40 million people.

A doctor visited the many farmers who had the attack to see if he could help them combat the flu.

Many of the farmers & their family had contracted the flu and many died.

However, the doctor came upon one farmer whose family was healthy and nobody in the house contracted the flu.

The doctor asked the farmer what he was doing that was different from the others.

The farmer's wife replied that she put an unpeeled onion in a dish and placed them in all the rooms in their house.

The doctor thought that could have been the cure so he asked for one of those onions.

As he placed it under the microscope, he found the flu virus in the onion. The onions obviously absorbed all the bacteria and thereby kept the family healthy.

Now, I sent this story to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:

She said ' Thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmer's story but, I do know that I myself got pneumonia and became very ill. From my previous knowledge about onions, I cut both ends off an onion put it into an empty jar, and place the jar next to myself over night.

By the morning, I began to feel better while the onion became black.'

Lots of times when we have stomach problems we don't know what to blame. Maybe the onions that we ate earlier are to blame.

Onions ABSORB BACTERIA and that is the reason why they are so good at preventing us from getting colds & flu.

And for that very reason we should NOT eat an onion that has been sitting for a time after it has been cut open.

Left over onions are poisonous.

When food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is whether the 'victim' ate ONIONS and where those onions came from. Most probably the ONIONS, are the cause.

Onions are huge magnets for bacteria, especially uncooked ones.

Never ever keep a portion of sliced onion over a period of time and thereafter use it to prepare food. It's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and placed it in your refrigerator. It is still poisonous

Also, do not give onions to dogs. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions.

Please remember it is dangerous to cut an onion and try to save it to cook with the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night - as it creates toxic bacteria which causes adverse stomach infections because of excess bile secretions and even food poisoning."

"Cinchona bark, the natural source of quinine. Tonic water does not have nearly as high a quinine content, if it worked, you would need a lot and the sugar you would be consuming to get adequate amounts would be acting to suppress the immune system.
IV Vitamin C or daily doses of Liposomal vitamin C as prevention, fresh fruit is best source for Vitamin C. Quinine found in schweppes tonic water and zinc are said to heal Coronavirus from an honest Doctor."

“If you believe this virus is spread human to human, the antidote is building the immune system with eating plants & natural medicines and sitting in nature alone or with your immediate family, soaking up vitamin d & sunshine
If you believe that this virus is symptoms of 5G exposure, then the antidote is sitting in nature, connecting to Mother Earth, building your immunity with eating plants and natural medicines - submerge yourself in water & dirt
If you believe that this is all a hoax and you just need to sit back while Q saves us all, then the answer is sitting in nature, build a garden for the new earth, commune with God, eat plants & natural medicines that strengthen your connection and open your channel to the new earth frequency ~ ascend with her
If you believe the economy is collapsing, and authoritarian dictatorship is imminent, the most radical thing you can do in protest is build a garden, releasing dependency on the system
If you believe that Mother Earth is mad at us and purging the human race, the answer is to go outside and listen, build a garden, align with her The answer is always nature. Always. We do not have to argue about the why. The antidote is obvious. Alignment with the mother, with our source of nurturance. Remembering everything we use and need comes from her. Give thanks. Humble. Slow down. Observe. Listen." 
Katie LaMonte

"What You Need to Understand About Virus Contagion

Let's use the Spanish Flu as an example since so many people appeared to contract the virus from others.

The disease seemed to spread impossibly fast. "There is no reason to suppose that it traveled more rapidly than persons could travel [but] it has appeared to do so," wrote Dr. George A. Soper, Major in the United States Army.

But most revealing of all were the various heroic attempts to prove the infectious nature of this disease, using volunteers. All these attempts, made in November and December 1918 and in February and March 1919, failed.

One medical team in Boston, working for the United States Public Health Service, tried to infect one hundred healthy volunteers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. Their efforts were impressive and make entertaining reading:

"We collected the material and mucous secretions of the mouth and nose and throat and bronchi from cases of the disease and transferred this to our volunteers. We always obtained this material in the same way. The patient with fever, in bed, had a large, shallow, traylike arrangement before him or her, and we washed out one nostril with some sterile salt solutions, using perhaps 5 c.c., which is allowed to run into the tray; and that nostril is blown vigorously into the tray. This is repeated with the other nostril. The patient then gargles with some of the solution. Next we obtain some bronchial mucus through coughing, and then we swab the mucous surface of each nares and also the mucous surface of the throat… Each one of the volunteers… received 6 c.c. of the mixed stuff that I have described. They received it into each nostril; received it in the throat, and on the eye; and when you think that 6 c.c. in all was used, you will understand that some of it was swallowed. None of them took sick."

In a further experiment with new volunteers and donors, the salt solution was eliminated, and with cotton swabs, the material was transferred directly from nose to nose and from throat to throat, using donors in the first, second, or third day of the disease. "None of these volunteers who received the material thus directly transferred from cases took sick in any way… All of the volunteers received at least two, and some of them three 'shots' as they expressed it." In a further experiment 20 c.c. of blood from each of five sick donors were mixed and injected into each volunteer. "None of them took sick in any way."

"Then we collected a lot of mucous material from the upper respiratory tract, and filtered it through Mandler filters. This filtrate was injected into ten volunteers, each one receiving 3.5 c.c. subcutaneously, and none of these took sick in any way."

Then a further attempt was made to transfer the disease "in the natural way," using fresh volunteers and donors: "The volunteer was led up to the bedside of the patient; he was introduced. He sat down alongside the bed of the patients. They shook hands, and by instructions, he got as close as he conveniently could, and they talked for five minutes. At the end of the five minutes, the patient breathed out as hard as he could, while the volunteer, muzzle to muzzle (in accordance with his instructions, about 2 inches between the two), received this expired breath, and at the same time was breathing in as the patient breathed out… After they had done this for five times, the patient coughed directly into the face of the volunteer, face to face, five different times… [Then] he moved to the next patient whom we had selected, and repeated this, and so on, until this volunteer had had that sort of contact with ten different cases of influenza, in different stages of the disease, mostly fresh cases, none of them more than three days old… None of them took sick in any way."

Earlier attempts to demonstrate contagion in horses had met with the same resounding failure. Healthy horses were kept in close contact with sick ones during all stages of the disease. Nose bags were kept on horses that had nasal discharges and high temperatures. Those nose bags were used to contain food for other horses which, however, stubbornly remained healthy. As a result of these and other attempts, Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Watkins-Pitchford of the British Army Veterinary Corps wrote in July 1917 that he could find no evidence that influenza was ever spread directly from one horse to another.

--> Firstenberg, Arthur. The Invisible Rainbow . Chelsea Green Publishing.

Two other things occurred at the time of the Spanish Flu Outbreak.

A new electric grid was spreading throughout the globe. In three notable pandemics, major electrical grid upgrades were taking place. It appears that when new levels of radiation are exposed to the public, the public has a quite violent reaction to it.

Big Pharma had a huge surplus of vaccines, with twelve different viruses included. A mass campaign to use them up on the world's military personnel ensued. Although science has not shown that virus can be a contagion transmitted from person to person, or animal, the virus was injected into a massive portion of the earth's population. And, when these live viruses started killing people, the immense scare that ensued allowed Big Pharma to say, "we need to vaccinate more people quickly.". And, thus, even more chaos end death ensued.

We are currently experiencing the same kind of scam and egregious crime against humanity, at the behest of Big Pharma, that the victims of the world experienced in 1918".

Check out this site for more information on how to be your own doctor and be fearless.
Soon you will be able to consult here for anything you need to improve your health.
Healthy people are beautiful.
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