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Non Profit Trauma Organisation & Body intelligence Assistance

Body Intelligence Assistance & Psyche Healing

Original Nature is aware of thinking,

feeling, emotion, body sensations constant change.

Consciousness is aware of Original Nature

being aware of constant change.


Consciousness is the do-er.

We are moved by it knowingly,

expressed through Wu Wei & Zerotation

or unknowingly through identification.


Meet Amelia
Cancer, Parkinson, ALS, MS, Diabetes, are only labels and serve little purpose. What needs to be addressed are the causes.
Anything you are not born with can be restored.

CAUSES, according to Tennant:

Dental infections

Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage -- The Physics of Emotions | EU2017 Great YouTube video!
Heavy metal detoxification is since the industrial revolution top priority. Amalgams are a crime. Chemicals, pesticides, GMO, plastics, glyphosate disrupt the body function. Restore and build the imune system is  the secret here.

CAUSES, according to Klinghardt:

Enviromental toxicity
Chronic infections
Genetic susceptibilities
Detoxification life style is basic for good health.
The body is like a living plant with its own intelligence. When you listen and cooperate, it will just work fine til you are old and worn out, with fully functional brains. No fear for demens or Alzheimers!

CAUSES, according to Robert Morse:
Toxicity, genetic weakness, acidosis

Trauma needs to be addressed in order to experience flow and health. Trauma is the underlying cause of all diseases. The trauma of identification, birth, cesarean birth, accidents, war, rape, giving birth,  early childhood development trauma, violence, moving country, incest, family or ancestral inheritance (curse), abortion, miscarriage, suicide, grief, aggression, war, refugee, addictions of food, alcohol and drugs.

The Somatic Experiencing® method is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders. Just like animals one simply shakes it off.
Family constellations FAQ
Healing the family inheritance is basic.

The greatest obstruction is our mind. All beliefs are of the mind.

Revolutionary research has uncovered the missing connections between biology, psychology and spirituality.

Depression is in most cases a polluted body and if it's not the case, then we look at trauma, background, identification, family systemics, heavy metals, parasites, worms, candida overgrowth, mold and the other main causes mentioned  in the about page.
Also other psychological labels can be addressed in that same manner.

Dennis Waite:
Author and site owner
Advaita Vision aims to bring you the best of Advaita. Whilst this may include the best of Satsang and Neo-Advaita, the emphasis is on well-proven, traditional teaching.
Stress needs work on the nervesystem & adrenals. Learn to relax, wind down, find direction in life, take care of one self, boundaries, change diet, clean out. Make life simple. Raw food diet is basic. Fasting is basic. Movement is basic. Relaxing is basic.

Ayurvedic guide to stress management
Death through conventional doctors and pharmaceuticals are the third leading cause of death, if not the first if we add dentistry to it!
How is it possible they get away with it!?!

Health = Power

 Assistance & Support & Care

Soul Connection

Your Health Starts Here

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Contact Info


Kyndbyvej 84 Kyndby Huse 3630 Jægerspris Denmark

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